Eltrip-65nk -series friction meters

Eltrip-65nkw, with WLAN and GPS
New! Eltrip-65nkw with WLAN and GPS location tracking makes friction measurements even easier. Eltrip-65nkw collects measurement data; friction, time, temperature, and location to its internal memory and then transfers data to our servers when arriving to location with available WLAN connections.The web service allows all there collected measurements to be stored, reviewed, analyzed and transferred to third parties whenever needed, easily and efficiently.
You can review the service here. Service includes simulated test measurements, made during few days at Oulu region. Results can be browsed on screen, or loaded in .CSV format to third party tools. The service is same for both Eltrip-65nkb and Eltrip-65nkw devices, so both meters can be included in service whenever needed.
Precision distance and friction
Eltrip-65nk -series friction meters are installed on a vehicle where they can be used for both distance and friction measuremenst. Friction measurement is easy: set meter to measure, perform a short but powerufl braking and release the brake - meter will measure the friction and report it, repeatably and reliably. Finnish ministry of traffic has officially approved all Eltrip-friction meters for wintertime road condition tracking. Eltrip-65-series meters have also official EMC approval (ECE R10).In your own language
At the moment Eltrip-65n -meters are available in Finnish, Swedish, English, Estonian, Norwegian and Russian languages. If you are interested of importing meters to your region, we can discuss of providing translation for you too.Web service is at the moment available in Finnish and English languages, but translations can be added as well.
Build for automotive use
Eltrip-65nk -meters have been designed specifically to be used in cars. All primary functions are available directly and easily, even without having to even look at the device.Eltrip-65nk -series include many models with different features. All Eltrip-65nk meters include distance, speed and friction measurement. Additionally models with road temperature measurement and computer connectivity are available.
Installation is easy - you can install it by yourself, and we can provide you with information on many car models (but unfortunately not all). You can also contact a local professional for installation assistance.
Also basic distance meters, Eltrip-65n -series, is available;
see here for more information.
See also installation-free Eltrip-7k -series friction meters.
Available models
- 6 independent distance counters, of which 1-5 can be active at any time
- Accurate speed measurement
- Road friction measurement
- Easy to use
- Accurate - can be calibrated specifically for your car, for even better than 1m/km accuracy
- Automatic display off
- Small - 147 x 47 x 25 mm (W x H x D)
- Same features as with Eltrip-65nk, and additionally:
- Temperature measurement
- Same features as with Eltrip-65nk, and additionally:
- Temperature measurement
- Computer connectivity with RS232 serial link - transfer measurement results to computer or other device easily for further processing
- Same features as with Eltrip-65nk, and additionally:
- Temperature measurement
- Computer/phone/PDA connectivity with both RS232 serial link and BlueTooth - transfer measurement results to computer, phone, table or other device easily for further processing
- Same features as with Eltrip-65nk, and additionally:
- Temperature measurement
- Build-in WLAN and externally connected GPS
- Storing measurement results in internal memory and web service
Download manual for Eltrip-65nk -series meters here (PDF)